‘For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? ‘ Mark 8:36
Whether you’re just checking out church for the first time, or you’ve been a follower of Jesus for a long time, we’re glad you found us. Come with us and we will do you good!
On behalf of the master of the Universe and the great shepherd our lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you to RCCG Newness of Life Christian Centre, a church without walls. You have a unique destiny in God; it is our desire that you will press into Him with all your heart and begin to live a purpose-driven life.
Our services are designed to help you encounter the presence of God in worship and to help grow in your relationship with God through the undiluted teaching of His word.
Are you new to the faith or still searching?
Do you have question in your heart about what faith in Christ Jesus is all about or about the meaning and purpose of life? Do you profess to be a Christian but yet to experience a personal relationship with Jesus or you once did but you are not sure anymore?
Maybe you do believe in the existence of God or do not simply care if there is a God.
Wherever you are in your journey, God understands and He is willing to meet you at the point where you are. If you want someone to discuss, with please call +44 7882 142174. You can also join us in one of our worship sessions or click the button below to know more

Support Our mission
Help us reach the world for Christ and restore hope to the hopeless. NOLCC engages in a number of outreach programmes targeted towards those that might need support both financially and emotionally
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